The Overdrive gauge, initially, builds as the character is damaged (this Overdrive mode is called "stoic"), but other Overdrive modes can be unlocked and alternative battle actions can build the gauge, e. There's certain breakpoints for this which. Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Victim to obtain it for. Set 1 character to stoic and they are the attacker. In each mode, the way it charges is the. I just finished testing it. Omega Ruins is the top-level secret dungeon of the game, with a lot of the most powerful standard foes the game as to offer. After defeating Juggernaut or Tanket, your Overdrive gauges will be at 60% if Victor mode was used. On top of that it has the second-highest HP of the Species Creations (only Ironclad has more). A lot of the system is hardcoded in giving Ace users very little control over how much TP gain a battler can receive from particular actions and situations. If anyone comes up with >any< major fight that is made easier with an OD Mode other than LONER, certainly shoot me an email. See also the appearance of Overdrives in other games and media. seancass34 posted on May 27, 2016 8:42:05 PM - Report post got the CoSMOS table for FFX and got the blitzball to work but was wondering if there is a CoSMOS table for the FFX-2 part of the game. This page lists all the Overdrives of the Main Characters of Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). This is the item list from FFX. Overdrives are different in Final Fantasy X then in other Final Fantasies. Rikku Codes . Entrust removes 100% of your Gauge amount and gives the. But if you have her kill a Bunyip (has 400 HP), with the same attack which only does 12-13 damage due to Armor and 22 defense, you won't get Hero. Battle stats apply to both party members and enemies. Skill Sphere. now cast haste on your one character who you want to learn the overdrive mode (probably wakka) and have the. Auron - All Overdrive Modes 760993D0 00000000 24411B36 BF3C18F6 Kimahri - All Overdrive Modes 7601F740 00000000 24411936 BFBC18C6 Wakka - All Overdrive Modes 760B9920 00000000 24011A36 BFBC1866 Lulu - All Overdrive Modes 760AB950 00000000 24413A36 BF3C1AD6 Rikku - All Overdrive Modes 760AE650 00000000 24413836 BFBC1A76 Tidus Full Overdrive. Kill of Auron and get Tidus's HP in yellow. Warrior is an Overdrive Mode in FFX. tidus overdrive timing. Stoic, Comrade, and Ally are better for her for the better portion of the story. Then he learns Energy Rain after using Slice & Dice 30 times. It is a roughly circular grid of interconnected nodes arranged in smaller circular clusters containing the abilities and special skills player characters can learn. Her true identity as an Al Bhed remains hidden from the likes of Yevonites such as Wakka in an attempt to avoid persecution. You will notice the screen in front of you now shows 7 white 2 by 2 blocks. Down to 2 Overdrive modes to go, now! Changed the formatting for the Overdrive modes section to match the Character Overdrives section, to make the FAQ look nicer in general. Once it's in melee range, inflict Armor Break (and Mental Break if you plan to use magic) and use your best stuff to win before Sin reaches you. Lv indicates the amount a character can move on the Sphere Grid, and is increased by AP. Returning for Destruction Sphere. Overdrive gauge form charge in endgame only matters in prolonged battles. If you really want AP, Stoic versus a highly-damaging enemy or Loner versus a passive monster are better ways to go. Brother. Diamond Ring. TheSummoner New Member. Read on to find all the hidden bosses and get strategies on how to beat each of them. . After taking, or inflicting enough damage Tidus will reach his overdrive mode. When executed, you will see a timer and a meter, with a small gold section in the middle of the meter and a marker going back and forth. This section lists the various Overdrive Modes in the game. But it's worth taking a quick peek anyway. the faqs I've read never mentioned this If you'd spent five minutes reading through the topics posted here you'd have soon came to realise that Split Infinity's FAQ is among the very best of the many which this site hosts. A Typical Battle Encounter in FFX. 0. Keep attacking until don tonberry starts stabbing then flee. 0 - Yes, already a major revision! Added 5 Overdrive modes (Hero, Coward, Dancer, Rook, and Sufferer) and renamed (translated) Alone to Solo. This article was created by Game8's elite team of writers and gamers. After the scenes, you'll emerge in an area with a Save Sphere. By default, every character starts in Stoic mode, which requires them to take damage to fill their bar. M. x . This is for a few reasons: 1. A list of the top prizes you can win in Blitzball tournaments and. Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Stoic to obtain it for each character. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. It is suggested to have a character with provoke. The Sphere Grid (スフィア盤, Sufia Ban?, lit. FFX can be speedrun'd in under 10 hours, or some people might try to do 100% playthroughs in their own leisure, or perhaps try to get all of the secrets on their first playthroughs, but having the initial extra stats, skills, spells, overdrives and overdrive modes does have an impact overall. How to Learn Overdrive Modes. You will initially be brought to View. Thank you. Contents. For example, Stoic mean your bar charges every time your character takes damage. This can make a good shot be blockable or a good pass to fumble. Secret Arts) is Auron's Overdrive in Final Fantasy X. 0 - Yes, already a major revision! Added 5 Overdrive modes (Hero, Coward, Dancer, Rook, and Sufferer) and renamed (translated) Alone to Solo. the loner overdrive mode unlocks after getting x turns alone (both other party members are KO/escaped). use taunt on all five of them with character that isnt yuna and have the other character escape. Blitz Ace. Overdrive Mode Sufferer. After, just keep defending until you get "Loner. I'm trying to power-level Yuna, but I realized that she never got the comrade overdrive mode. Yojimbo Cannot Learn Abilities. However, if a character kills the monster, that character has (approximately) a 40% chance, and the other 6 characters have 10% each. Modes -. For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Grinding overdrives in the beginning? *early game spoilers*". Obtaining Overdrive Mode Dancer. Not sure if/how damage scales in this game, but giving more damage to the guy who would have more turns seemed sensible enough. Megalixirs - Double AP. Stoic is the limit-break legacy setting, filling the overdrive bar when damage is received. Maybe still Stoic on Rikku (depends on how fast she's dropping). Bosses will include an in-depth discussion of how to handle them. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Avenger. 2. To Obtain Overdrive modes, the character must trigger the condition of that specific overdrive a certain number of times. Equipment: The weapon ability [Overdrive->AP] is essential. Cactuars? Victim increments when a character has a turn while under a (sleep, silence, darkness, poison, slow, confuse, zombie, doom) status effect. - Overdrive Modes Count. If all three icons match, the sum will be doubled for the resulting attack. " -Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide; Shiva . Decided to do it with Yuna, but she does not have the comrade mode for overdrive for I never really have been using her. Emerald Ring. 0 - Initial release. Rook is an Overdrive Mode in FFX. Depending on what spell you pick and how high Lulu's Magic stat is, the number of turns required to up the counter by one varies. Activate (put an X) "Minigame Stats Base Address Scan Initialization (Activate This First)". Changed the formatting for the Overdrive modes section to match the Character Overdrives section, to make the FAQ look nicer in general. Added mucho grande credits, changed some text to be more understandable, and made numerous small updates. You can either let it happen as a surprise (the game notifies you after the last battle) or go to the monster arena and fight run away from Dingo for an hour. Unlocking Catastrophe in the original creations by unlocking 6 area conquest monsters will net you 99 Doors to tomorrow. The more damage he takes, the more Stoic mode will reward him. Tidus – Stoic. Defense +x% in 4 slots. The charge will depend on the amount of damage. Deals 8 sword swings at the chosen target. Slayer charges your bar with every enemy killed. To learn any specific Overdrive Mode in FFX, you’ll need to spend a number of turns fulfilling its condition. Who is the strongest Aeon in FFX?Final Fantasy Final Fantasy X Role-playing video game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Slayertidus21 •. The Airship is the party's main mode of transportation in the later stages of the game. This list has them in alphebetical order. The power of each technique is determined by inputting a button sequence within a time limit; if the sequence is unsuccessful, Auron will perform the standard move, but a successful input will add attack power and status effects to the move. Ok, ive searched google and this site for the cheats for final fantasy X (ntsc-U) . Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Slayer to obtain it for each character. If you didn’t know summoning an Aeon that has a full overdrive with grand summon allows the aeon to use their overdrive 2x in a row. 12 Bomb King. ) Try ACA's Secrets/Sidequests FAQ, atakdoug. Bit late but I just started a new game on remastered. Yes, as long as you are using the right overdrive mode. Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, First Strike, Counterattack. Using the Victor mode, pick an enemy in the Monster Arena collection that you can kill easily, let's say a Besaid Dingo to fill up the overdrive gauges to 100%, then defeat Juggernaut or Tanket again with the same. atakdoug 9 years ago #1. You will now be able to choose from all Learned Overdrive modes. This form of Blue Magic may be used when Kimahri reaches Overdrive in Final Fantasy X. I have triple AP weapons with overdrive>AP equipped. (don't kill dingo when you have other 1hko and 2hko that yield far better items) b) Loner on Wakka (for earth eater and greater sphere)Auron is the heavy hitter of the party, utilizing large two-handed swords for attack and bracers for defense. 14. Auron initially (whilst going along his main section of the Sphere Grid) has the highest Strength and HP of any character, and also a fair Defense and Magical Defense. This is a walkthrough for the boss fight Dark Ixion from the game Final Fantasy X (FF 10, FF X). 3. Meaning that casting 2 overdrives in a row is possible if the Aeon already has full overdrive when Grand Summoned. Added 5 Overdrive modes (Hero, Coward, Dancer, Rook, and Sufferer) and renamed (translated) Alone to Solo. I'm working on a perfect (ish) file, and obtaining overdrive modes at the moment. Damage of 0 will not help you learn comrade. Healer - By healing an ally (does not apply if the character is healing herself/himself) Daredevil - By a character getting a turn while in HP Critical status (HP being yellow) Loner - By getting a turn while being the only one able to battle, ex two other allies. Raises Magic by 1 point. i dont have this Folder ! Help me please ! miktwigg. Board Topics. . Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Sufferer to obtain it for. I find the Slayer mode great for grinding or for filling the gauge against easy enemies before a bigger challenge, but Hero seems useless. go on. btw, is there any way to unlock every overdrive modes without looking for it? ELITE. 05 with custom preset by Catachrism, setup to be compatible with UnX 0. Overdrives are different in Final Fantasy X then in other Final Fantasies. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. This can be unlocked by both Tidus and Auron as well and is a great mode since both character usually are the fi. Final Fantasy X (FFX) Walkthrough Team. You can set how you want your gauge to fill, and once it is full, you can unleash powerful attacks on the enemy. Aeons. Slayer + Caladbolg + Energy Rain against a group is the quickest way to get Blitz Ace (though Loner + Spiral Cut works about as well). during the boat with riku right at the start. 1 Enemies. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Loner. Have All Skills Codes . G3rmaholic 14 years ago #1. This page contains information about all the overdrives and how to unlock them for each character. The game's final boss is really more along the lines of a puzzle, thanks to the permanent Auto-Life your party still has. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Stoic. The total of the results of these reels will determine how many times Wakka will attack enemies at random. 10,000 Gil. SOS Overdrive is a weapon Auto-Ability for the game Final Fantasy X. Sufferer is an Overdrive Mode in FFX. Check this out! Swordplay (剣技, Kengi?, lit. Anyway. 3) Have two other characters escape. Regardless of your decision it's time to add Overdrive to AP to everyone's weapons. (The party remains essentially "frozen in time" while an Aeon is on the field—all counters related to getting their next turns pause where they were. Lvl. Whether it be in a remake of any existing title, or in a post-DoC title, how do you want to see the Limit Break system evolve? The aesthetics of limit breaks (colors of spirit energy emission, flashing of limit bars etc) may also be discussed. 1. In th. SOS Overdrive Basic Information. It's also best to have everyone's overdrive set to Stotic since these bosses can do 99,999 damage, it's a guarenteed overdrive fill. Player character stats are increased by Spheres on the Sphere Grid. Start attacking with Quick Hit and keep Doublecasting Ultima. Im in the process of maxing stats for everybody but I've just noticed that due to my neglect of Yuna during the storyline, she doesn't have the comrade OD mode, which I need to exploit the Don Tonberry AP trick. Which is still pretty good. Doors to Tommorow - Overdrive = AP. the guy nearest save sphere gives 3 potion every time. While it is invisble you can gauge it by which overdrive modes you have with Wakka. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. Movie sphere. Fully restores HP of party. Ixion can inflict more than 9999 HP damage once you've activated Kimahri's Spirit Lance. Aim to get a weapon with 3 slots to be able to customize Triple AP or Double AP and Overdrive->AP to the. Description. Raises Defense by 1 point. v. The exception would be for any character is you are choosing to use, but isn't killing anything. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Ally. Otherwise, Comrade or Warrior, depends which seems to charge fastest. Make sure that Confuse and Stoneproof armor are equipped as Omega has abilities that can inflict confuse and petrification. Press “X” to select a spell. Boards. Pretty sure you can't learn Overdrive modes in the Monster Arena. Hits all enemies once. Set the main attacker's overdrive mode to Stoic and your other character's Overdrive Mode to Comrade. - Overdrive Modes Enabled. it's fairly simple really. At the start of the game Tidus is introduced to us as a popular Blitzball player in the futuristic city of Zanarkand. Bushido (秘伝, Hiden?, lit. March 2014 Update: Nearly all of these tips work for the HD remaster, although you may have to adapt a few of them if you're using the Expert Sphere Grid. Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Coward to obtain it. It Charges on character's turn. Kimahri speaks very little, although when he does his statements are often wise. Heat6Jones 10 years ago #1. Other weapon abilities are strictly optional, so don’t panic if you can’t get them. This leveling technique focuses on three auto-abilities, an Overdrive mode setting and. Healing Water. 2 of: Fireproof, Waterproof, Lightningproof, Iceproof, Fire Eater, Water Eater, Lightning Eater, or Ice Eater. Status Reels is the third Slots ability available for people trying to get Wakka’s overdrives. Machina (Final Fantasy X) Maester. He also has a deep resentment of the Al Bhed, believing their use of machina is sacrilegious. ago. It must be saved as a . -Dragon Fang- Left, Down, Up, Right, L1, R1, X, O Attacks all enemies. Final Fantasy X (FFX) Walkthrough Team. Another great way is using ally or coward overdrive modes late game. 7 characters makes things awkward as 2 teams of 3 can often learn things together but then you have the odd one that often needs to do things solo. Your goal will be to stop the marker in the middle of the meter, where there will be a small, gold-colored. All characters begin with Stoic, and earn others by fulfilling their conditions to fill Overdrive gauge a certain number of times. Tidus wont be able to learn Tactician, but RIkku can obtain it by performing the Blaster Mine mix. Tidus' Overdrive attack is similar to Squalls' Renzokuken. The value next to Overdrive Gauge IS Overdrive Gauge Max. Simply press A when it's your turn (and the overdrive is ready) and select the Overdrive you want to use (you'll unlock many more for each character as you progress!) then unleash the fury!--OVERDRIVE MODES-- You'll be using only one OD Mode throughout this game, and that's LONER. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. If the timed input fails, Tidus misses the thrown ball. The holder of the Magic Sphere is one powerful pudding. 3. Category:Locations in Final Fantasy X. Now stop at the next (final) glyph's right turn once again. An unboosted overdrive gauge will charge in 5 kills. In order to obtain the Jupiter Sigil you will have to win a Tournament to obtain Attack Reels, complete a League to obtain Status Reels, win another Tournemtn to obtain Auroch Reels and then hope that the Jupiter Sigil appears as a prize. member; 0 kudos; 17 September 2022, 1:27AM. Set 2 characters to comrade overdrive mode and have those 2 defend only. Category:Music from Final Fantasy X. To do this, first you must learn the Bribe skill and then use it. This guide focuses specifically upon the Blue Magic in FFX, Ronso Rage. Only a select few may be able to save it. Comrade is the general best overdrive mode for endgame content that matters because your overdrive charges for damage your allies take. When you first encounter the sin spawns they will not attack you. Very helpful. Learning Overdrives in Monster Arena. Which is good since that's how you get his good overdrives anyway. Elixir. It deals a flurry of attacks at approximately 40% to 50% the strength of the spell in question (except for the status spells, which have an 80% base hit rate). From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki < Final Fantasy XThere are a lot of creative tricks you can pull off with Overdrive to AP that’ll speed up your character progression grind in FFX. I am actually doing a perfect FFX run in which I attain every possible attainable feature on each section. Hitting for 99,999 with Quick Hit is a necessity for the harder species creations (as they have high Agility and Evade), but. Each character have a different number of triggers to learn each Overdrive modes. It Charges while character suffers status ailments. If your overdrive mode is set to Loner, your overdrive gauge will increase 20% each time your character get a turn as long as he/she is the only active character, the other two must have escaped, KO'ed, stered by petrify or ejected. Use Tidus's overdrive command 30 times. Once his overdrive gauge is full, summon an aeon to block Zanmoto because if you don't you'll die and reviving won't be possible even with Auto-Life. Fully restores HP and casts NulAll on party. The game goes down the table, stopping as soon as the criteria for an Armor name are met even if the Armor in question has other Auto-Abilities located further down the list. Learn about the mechanics, modes, and characters of Overdrives in Final Fantasy X, such as Tidus's Swordplay, Yuna's Grand Summon, and Wakka's Slots. With Triple overdrive and slayer, you can get into one fight (with atleast 2 enemies) and fill up in that one battle. I know we don’t really use Lulu in battles but you should at least have her to 4000 to 5000 HP before you have a serious. A lot of them involve utilizing different Overdrive modes while Overdrive to AP is equipped. I used Celestial Weapons on Auron and Tidus. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. Triple AP can be obtained as a Weapon drop from One-Eye. . The species creations are unlocked by collecting a certain number (usually around 4) of every fiend in a species (e. I played Final Fantasy X while using Cheat Engine. Code: Select all {All Items 99 in Inventory} - MAKES EVERY ITEM A x99 POTION 41003F0C 00000020 40700002 00000100 4000410C 00000063 40700001 00000000 {Rikku Steal Count 199} - TRIED 10 STEALS AFTER APPLYING THE CODE BUT NOTHING 20003DF0 C8000000 {Wakka All Overdrive Modes} - NOTHING. It Charges when character defeats an enemy. Return to the track now, and take the second right (third overall), and grab the Glyph Sphere. Either use them in sequence and each will pop with the use of an Overdrive after applying the code or use the Blitz Ace one on its own and they will pop in reverse order after using three Overdrives. Appears as a Tournament Prize. Inflicts Sleep on the first. In addition to side stories, Jecht Spheres also unlock new Overdrive abilities for Auron. 2 The Second Floor. Overdrives - The only overdrives needed to complete the task Tidus = Slice and Dice Wakka = Attack Reels Rikku = Frag Grenade Note: You only need these for maxing your stats. Brother is the best blitzball player you can recruit. Read on for more information, tips, and guides within this section. EXP: 5. " Aaaah. Rikku . This guide covers everything you need to know to learn each of his Swordplay Overdrive, including the fastest and most efficient way to do it. Down to 2 Overdrive modes to go, now! Changed the formatting for the Overdrive modes section to match the Character Overdrives section, to make the FAQ look nicer in general. Yuna has to be present 240 times when an ally is damaged to learn Comrade. The target will be revived with 25% of their max HP and the status will wear off. If the input is timed right, Tidus hits the ball dealing massive damage to the chosen target. Category:Magic in Final Fantasy X. the amount of damage that the attack would have caused if it had hit). Very useful early on in the game, but not the most powerful overdrive at the end of the game. you can play the game however you want and if you feel like grinding in the beginning for overdrives and overdrive modes, then feel free. Notes on This FAQ. You get them as soon as you fulfill the condition. Use Return Spheres and finish Aurons and Tidus main grids atleast then go over to Wakkas. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Hero. 1 Boss: Omega Weapon. 2 of: Magic Defense +3%, Magic Defense +5%, Magic Defense +10%, or Magic Defense +20%. I suggest Omega Ruins for overdrives that depend on the enemy fiends doing something, simply because higher level mobs will have a higher Agility, and pressing triangle 10 million times gets old fast. Activate (put an X) "Minigame Stats Base Address Scan (To Update: Play Minigame)". Location Found: Macalania. Final Fantasy X Overdrive FAQ . It can be customizable to a weapon by using 30 Underdog's Secret. Aeons. OD meter charge is this: Charge = max (1, [Damage / MaxHP * 20]) This applies even if the Sister evades the attack (in which case "Damage" is. At it's right, in the center of the window, you can edit the counters to unlock the overdrive modes, or even unlock them directly by. F2: Supercharge Characters gain full HP, MP, and Overdrive at. I have Titus or Wakka attack with stoic and have the other 2 with comrade. It Charges when character flees from battle. Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Victor to obtain it for each character. Start the fight by using Hyper Mighty G for the protective buffs. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. Its effect Charges OVerdrive at double speed. I've been sitting here on the PS4 version for half an hour killing Sinscales while in yellow HP and neither of them have. x Compatibility -Catachrism preset. How to Customize Weapon and Armor Beginner Tips and Tricks. He had a younger brother, Chappu, who died shortly after joining the. Assuming celestials, Victor allows it to fill every other battle (so battle a Dingo or Sleep Sprout in between every fight at MA). Obtaining Overdrive Mode Tactician. Yuna and her curative magic already have plenty of power, but you can never have too much damage, so stick magic spheres on Lulu. Underdog's Secret - Double Overdrive. 2) You CANNOT unlock overdrive modes in Monster Arena battles. Find out how to change their charge rates, how they are learned and how many times they are available for each character. No problem :) you can overdrive aeons very quickly using the boost option to speed things up, you can also set yuna overdrive mode to ally so you can quickly fill her gauge. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1. - ตั้ง overdrive mode เป็น victor รอบแรกเล่นให้ชนะ (หรือจะไปสู้ตัวอ่อนๆเก็บ od. Don Tonberry trick. Comrade mode is the route to quick gainz. If the character to be leveled up is Kimahri,. Hello and thanks for checking out this quick Final Fantasy X tip video!If your characters have been powerful throughout your Final Fantasy X playthrough you. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Comrade. 1. . For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "learning overdrive modes". 11 Sleep Sprout. Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Comrade to obtain it for each character. . Tetra Elemental. They can also use the “Boost” Command to charge their Overdrives much faster. For future reference, Overdrive Modes are described in some detail by the posted Overdrive FAQ by PFriedman. Obtaining Overdrive Mode Daredevil. Wakka i dunno, there is a accept button for the keyboard just press it like you would the X or A button. Final Fantasy X. To put it simply, you will gain Overdrive faster when your allies take more damage. This page is a guide on the locations of all Dark Aeons in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). - scaling with stat points got buffed! (30% > 60%) 10. Final Fantasy X is an incredibly in-depth adventure! New (and returning) players can definitely benefit from these 25 tips and tricks!. You can use the trick I mentioned in 2), about opening / closing the Blitzball menu until Tournament grays out and becomes available again to make the prize change. . 200. Below are the number of times you must trigger the condition of Overdrive Mode Ally to obtain it for each character. You can't learn overdrives in Monster Arena. Avenger is an Overdrive Mode in FFX. 9. Hitting an icicle forces you into a battle against one of the opponents here. Tbh I wouldn't bother with OD to AP until you can do the Don T trick. Final Fantasy 7 Remake; Final Fantasy 8; Final Fantasy 9; Final Fantasy. Loner is an Overdrive Mode in FFX. . View enemy data during battle. Cycles between double speed, quadruple speed, and off. A. There's no way to check how often that's already happened or how much you still need. All Overdrive Mode can be obtained by fulfilling the condition of the said Overdrive Mode. Which is exactly what I did here (get all potential OD modes for Rikku and Tidus on the Salvage Ship) and all possible items such as 99 power/mana/speed/ability spheres, grenades, and potions.